Icons of Transfiguration and the Light Body to Meditate Upon The images show you how the great avatars exist and our next level of being. ~William Henry ICONS According to Wikipedia: In the icons of Eastern Orthodoxy, and of the Early Medieval West, very little room is made for artistic license. Almost everything within the […]
O Night Divine: Sacred Christmas Procession
Spiritual Initiation and the Christmas Procession This is a profound and powerful gift from Rev. Dr. Judith Larkin Reno! According to Rev. Dr. Judith: The Inner Worlds The sacred side of Christmas is different from the social celebration. The inner worlds of Christmas make it holy. The esoteric celebration happens deep inside you. Christmas […]
Peru’s Portal Technology and Stone Forest
A Mystic’s Travel Sometimes the mystic has no agenda other than to experience the sacred and divine. Secrets of the divine unfold in a number of different ways. The mystic experiences life on a deep level where things are not as they seem on the surface. Thus the mystic continually experiences the divine and touches the […]