Category Archives: Spiritual technology

Natural Law & Souls Signaling Recognition of Other Souls

Natural Law & Souls Signaling Recognition of Other Souls While Human Moral Behavior and Self-Esteem Increases Imagine you’ve lived lifetimes of being persecuted and being the persecutor. So now, signal you have a soul by dropping the victimhood and persecutor mindset (the paranoia, the fear, the desperation, obsession for both).  Knowledge of your self is important.  Remember […]

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Soul-Driven Lessons in Communicating With the Loved Ones

Soul-Driven Lessons in Communicating With the Loved Ones A ‘serpent rope’ is a magnetic field of energy that appeared before me one night while walking my dog, Ginger. I was out walking my dog one night when I thought of my sister who recently died.  And I noticed the 7 Sisters, the Pleiades, in the […]

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Earth’s Golden Light Grid Healing Meditation

 Earth’s Golden Light Grid Healing Meditation THIS MEDITATION WILL HELP IN HEALING THE PLANET AND THE HUMAN RACES THAT INHABITING IT: Earth’s Golden Light Grid Healing Meditation With the Earth’s permission and in harmony with the Universal Principles, let’s get started. Create a meditative space and find a comfortable position. Breathe deeply, imagine any stress, […]

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Winged Planet Nibiru

Unusual Sky Phenomenon Between 7-28-16, 5am and 7-31-16 I’ve been taking some unusual videos with IR cameras.  Remember these objects are not visible to the naked eye – I only viewed it with my infrared camera and in the videos below.  WOW!  Reveal…Reveal…Reveal! A huge object that may explain Venus’s very strange behavior because there’s […]

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The Mandela Effect: How Consciousness Effects Reality

The Mandela Effect: How Consciousness Effects Reality A Mystic Experiences the Sacred: Sometimes the mystic has no agenda other than to experience the sacred and divine. Secrets of the divine unfold in a number of different ways. The mystic experiences life on a deep level where things are not as they seem on the surface. Thus […]

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