Author Archives: admin

College Degree Programs

College of Wisdom Ministries, Humanities, Arts & Sciences (WMAS) offers the following: Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Arts (Music &/or Theater), Architecture, Education and Psychology WMAS students will prepare for life’s spiritual passages with a Liberal Arts Education. They will receive academic training, character building and opportunities in personal transformation and higher consciousness. The WMAS student […]

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Certification Program

Skills Certification Program Skills Certification Training Register for Classes and learn the skills necessary in the Certification Program to pass the Skills Certification Exam (there’s a fee for the Certification Exam). Certification programs may include apprenticeships in certain fields providing a fast track to a positive career in the following areas: Transportation – Train Driver-Engineer, […]

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New Future of Community Affordability, Accountability, Spirituality and Sustainability

New Future of Community Affordability, Accountability, Spirituality and Sustainability “Localizing food production and focusing on affordability,  accountability, spirituality and sustainability has been successful.” Tech billionaire Bill Gates, co-founder and former CEO of Microsoft  has quietly purchased about 242,000 acres of U.S. farmland with plans to donate land to the new sustainable communities that will be appearing […]

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Masterpieces which Open Sacred Portals

Nicholas Roerich: Masterpieces which Open Divine Portals Currently, Nicholas Roerich is one my favorite artist because his masterpieces open divine portals.  Notice his profound use of light and dark. Nicholas Roerich was a Russian mystic, painter, writer, archaeologist, theosophist, and considered a public figure, philosopher, and enlightener. I too, am a mystic.  My definition of […]

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Carieliin By the Sea

Carieliin By the Sea The New Construction and this Planetary System in San Diego – April 2024 Here’s what to expect! The Planetary System will be greatly connected through work, education, housing, farming, transportation and recreation to be enjoyed peacefully, happily and effectively in a beautiful and caring world. There’s a wonderful world ahead for […]

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The Mandela Effect: How consciousness effects reality

A Mystic Experiences the Sacred: “Sometimes the mystic has no agenda other than to experience the sacred and higher consciousness.  Thus the mystic continually experiences the sacred and touches the face of God on a daily basis. Secrets of the divine spark (the seed of the Soul within the Heart) unfold and may be experienced […]

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