Carieliin University Catalogue

Carieliin University Catalogue

Carieliin University is known nationally and internationally and is financially recognized for it’s endowments and scholarships. The Founder and President, Cariel Quinly, is admired for her amazing ability to create and maintain a high standard of aesthetic and educational quality at Carieliin University.

The focus is on the HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS of a LIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION, aesthetics, ethics, music and theater, as well as, architecture, business, computer sciences, ministerial and psychological services.

Carieliin University, stands apart from the crowd, providing an affordable quality education with a personal approach and offers both a Certification Program and a Degree Program as follows:

Skills Training for Certification –  Register for Classes

Learn the skills necessary in the Certification Program to pass the Skills Certification Exam (there’s a fee for the Certification Exam) in the following areas:

  1. Transportation – Pilot, Transportation Controller, Train Driver-Engineer, RTE- Release Train Engineering, Conductor/Engineer

  2. Travel and Tour Industry – Tour Agent & Guide, Flight & Travel Managers and Attendants

  3. Community and Transportation Construction and Infrastructure – Planning & Development

  4. Facility Management Services – Managerial, Construction, Utilities, Janitorial & Landscaping Services

  5. Utilities Industries – Phone, Wifi, Internet/cable, Electrician,Plumber

  6. Business Management – Accounting, Economics and Finances

  7. Food Management and Agricultural Development

  8. Education – Teacher, Administrator

  9. Carieliin Law School and Enforcement Training

  10. Medical Personnel Training – Care Giver, practitioner

  11. Communications & Journalism-Broadcasting



College Degree Program

SAT or ACT score requirements are based on 25-30 midrange composite on the ACT and a 1180-1320 midrange of total scores on the SAT. The midrange weighted core GPA was 3.67-4.44.

Additional factors may be taken into consideration, such as extraordinary personal circumstances, special talents, outstanding extracurricular activities, and evidence of leadership.

*Note: High-school graduates who take summer school courses in between graduation and the fall semester that immediately follows are not considered transfer students.

College Preparatory classes – Prerequisites are as Follows:

  1. English – 3 units
    At least two units must have strong grammar and composition components, at least one must be in English literature, and at least one must be in American literature. Completion of college preparatory English I, II, III, and IV will meet this criterion.
  2. Mathematics – 3 units
    These include Algebra I (for which Applied Mathematics I and II may count together as a substitute, if a student successfully completes Algebra II), Algebra II, and geometry. A fourth higher-level math course should be selected from among Algebra III/trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, statistics, or discrete mathematics or a capstone math course.
  3. Social studies – 3 units
    Must include one unit of US history. One-half unit of economics and one-half unit of government are strongly recommended.
  4. Select from biology, chemistry or physics – 3 units
  5. Foreign language – 2 units
    Both units must be in the same language.
  6. Fine arts – 1 unit
    One unit in appreciation of, history of, or performance in one of the fine arts.
  7. Academic electives – 1 unit
    A college prep course in computer science (i.e., one involving significant programming content, not simply keyboarding) is strongly recommended. Other acceptable electives include college preparatory courses in English, fine arts, foreign languages, social science, humanities, laboratory science (excluding those for which biology and/or chemistry is not a prerequisite), or math above the level of Algebra II.


Bachelors of Liberal Arts Degree

The College of Wisdom Ministries, Humanities, Arts & Sciences (WMAS) offers a Bachelor’s Degree (120 credits required – you may transfer up to 64 credits from other schools).

Additional REQUIREMENTS: You must maintain an overall C average (2.00 GPA), as well as they must complete basic course requirements, meet all departmental requirements for majors and apply for a degree completion audit and submit it online.

Key learning outcomes 

With a WMAS Degree you gain:

  • Liberal Arts education fosters higher consciousness and spiritual inquiry and development.
  • A well-rounded academic foundation, through a blend of courses in areas, such as wisdom, philosophy, psychology, design, art, literature, architecture, agriculture, and performing arts, i.e., music and theater.
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills to convey views and opinions in academic and professional contexts.
  • The ability to think critically across a variety of subjects, fostering an informed, independent worldview.

WMAS increases humanistic, ethical, social, critical, and aesthetic thinking and fosters spiritual, and professional development and excellence with a deeper understanding of themselves and the complex world in which they live.

Core Curriculum in the Humanities

This core curriculum in the humanities introduces students to a cross-cultural range of texts, traditions, and issues and emphasizes communication, critical and creative thinking and writing throughout.

All degree students are required to complete a minimum of 24 credits in the Liberal Arts, beginning with the following courses the first year: “Conscience and Communications” and “Society, Spirituality and Culture.” And continuing with “Ethics, Art and Aesthetics” in the 2nd year.

For example, students may start with communications in “Writing Seminar” their first year, and continue in “Ethics” their sophomore year.

Through their work in the Liberal Arts, students refine skills in reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking, learning to communicate with greater clarity and effectiveness.

This program equips them to become active, well-informed citizens; develops their awareness of the social and humanistic dimensions of professional work; and lays the basis for a fulfilling cultural and intellectual life.

First Year Curriculum

Students commence with Liberal Arts Education and strengthen their communication skills and human design skills with room to grow into their divine-human design.  They choose 5 classes in English & Humanities (a total of 19 credits) from the following list:

  • ENG 101 English Composition……………………………………………(3)
  • ENG 215* English Studies (PS, RM, WI)………………………………(4)
  • Choose 2 Humanities Electives one from 300- & one from 400-level ENG courses as follows: (8)
  • ENG 325 British Literature……………………………………………….(4)
  • ENG 326 American Literature…………………………………………….(4)
  • ENG 390** Literary Theory (RM, WI)…………………………………(4)
  • ENG 400*** Senior Seminar………………………………………………(4)
  • ENG 426 Topics in American Literature…………………………….(4)
  • ENG 435 Topics in British Literature (post-1800)…………………(4)
  • ENG 436 Topics in Multicultural American Literature…………..(4)
  • Choose either:
  • ENG 420 Shakespeare……………………………………………………..(4)
  • ENG 425 Topics in British Literature (pre-1800)…………………..(4)
  • **Prerequisite: ENG 215 ***
  • (Note: 400-level literature courses may be repeated once when topics vary.)


Department of Psychology

While the etymology of the word psychology stems from “psyche” or soul, contemporary psychology is sorely lacking in the study of the soul. At Carieliin the combination of deep psychological work and spiritual practice offers maximum growth in today’s stress-filled world.

Each of the following subjects can be studied in varying depth, according to the student’s interest and the academic degree level, starting with B.S. or B.A.– 120 credits.

WMAHS – Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology

Do you find yourself trying to “figure out solutions” and help those around you? If you are interested in how humans think, feel, and act, our program will help you develop a scientifically-soul based understanding of behavior and mental processes in humans.

Counseling Psychology can be life-changing, providing the bridge to the soul, integrating the body, emotions, mind, intuition and spirit. 

Counseling Psychology

WMAS- Bachelor’s Degree in Counseling Psychology has four core requirements for graduating as follows:

  1. Clinical application of psychology, where students learn about people with psychological disorders and how to help them
  2. Research, where students use science to broaden their understanding of behavior and development.
  3. Experiential learning, which includes field placements and internships.
  4. Professional development, when students identify career goals and develop the intellectual, interpersonal, and technical skills for obtaining employment or moving on to graduate school

What Will You Learn?

  • The Carieliin Counseling Psychology major helps students develop a detailed, integrated, science-based understanding of behavior, including mental processes, along with a detailed, integrated, spiritual approach to the souls development of an individual. As a student in this major, you’ll understanding these approaches and learn how to apply them to have a positive impact on peoples lives.
  • Think critically about major theories, concepts, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.
  • Conduct research by choosing appropriate research designs and statistical analyses, interpreting and communicating research results, and applying ethical standards.
  • Help others by using psychological knowledge, counseling theory and skills, and ethical standards.
  • Analyze how sociocultural differences affect personal and professional interactions.
  • Plan and pursue ongoing professional development.



Department of Architecture

WMAHS – Bachelors Degree in Architecture means you’ll earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture and once you pass the A.R.E. (exam) you’ll become architecturally licensed in the U.S.

Explore: fine art through materials, methods, histories, & architecture.

Prepare: for a career that allows you to use your creativity and passion for architecture.

How it works

Educate: Learn from the masters.

Experience: Prepare with professional practice. 

The Core Requirement – obtain 3,740 hours of paid experience while taking courses.

Gain real-world work experience during summer and winter breaks to eventually graduate with 3740 hours of working experience. While working the students will put into practice what they are learning in the classroom with experts in architecture.

Through focused instruction from faculty, a dedicated resource center, guided study groups and the coaching of expert consultants, Carieliin fully supports architectural students as they prepare for and take all sections of the registration exam.

The immersive art and design context provides architecture students a competitive advantage as designers. The exposure to art and leading-edge technology produces well-rounded practitioners with excellent graphic skills.


Department of Performing Arts, Music & Theater

Theater Major

Through theater productions, forums and internships, and Speech Communication, the Theatre major enlivens community life. Using Speech Communications fosters students’ abilities to think reasonably and communicate intelligently and creatively.

WMAHS – Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Art in Theatre requires a variety of courses, including interpersonal communication, small group discussion, and rhetorical criticism.

The study and practice of communication are grounded in both the humanities and the social sciences which are a required foundation for graduating. A liberal arts education that provides the humanistic, ethical, social, critical, and aesthetic background essential to personal development and professional excellence.  The program includes the areas of psychology, aesthetics, ethics, philosophy, logic, literature, and research methods. These studies in foster in students a deeper understanding of themselves and the complex world in which they live.

Through their work in the Liberal Arts, students refine skills in reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking, learning to communicate with greater clarity and effectiveness. This program equips them to become active, well-informed citizens; develops their awareness of the social and humanistic dimensions of professional work; and lays the basis for a fulfilling cultural and intellectual life.

Theater Elective Sequences:

  1. Acting
  2. Design / Production
  3. Directing
  4. Musical Theater
  5. Playwriting
  6. Integrated Studies

WMAS – Bachelor’s Degree in Music & Theater

The 12 Core Courses requirements for graduating are as follows:

  1. Introduction to Theater Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Exploration of theater in production, with emphasis on collaborative role of theater artists and active role of audience. Understanding of and access to live theatrical event and enhanced appreciation of value of theater to society; development of critical skills through consideration of representative examples of theatrical production from Europe, America, Asia, and Africa. P/NP or Letter grading.
  2. Acting Fundamentals Studio, four hours. Introduction to interpretation of drama through art of actor. Development of individual insights, skills, and disciplines in presentation of dramatic material to audiences. P/NP or letter grading.
  3. Acting for Camera Lecture, three hours. Development and practice in acting techniques. Preparation and taping of scenes for analysis. May be repeated twice for credit. Letter grading.
  4. Acting, Voice, and Movement Workshop I Studio, three to six hours. Study of beginning acting technique, scene study, and development of voice and movement skills. May be repeated for maximum of 12 units. Letter grading.
  5. Dance for Musical Theater I Studio, five hours. Development of dance and movement techniques for musical theater. Letter grading.
  6. Singing for Musical Theater I Studio, four to five hours. Exploration of musical literacy and development of singing techniques for musical theater. Basic voice training to explore how voice works, learn to maintain appropriate and consistent voice, and learn to preserve voice health. How to build stamina and range. Letter grading.
  7. Theater Production Laboratory, three to six hours. Laboratory experience in various aspects of theater production, including stage management or member of production crew. May be repeated for maximum of 8 units. Letter grading.
  8. Production Practice in Theater, Film, Video, and Digital Media Studio, three hours. Exploration and laboratory experience in one or more of various aspects of production and postproduction practice for entertainment media, including theater, film, video, and digital media. May be taken for maximum of 8 units. Letter grading.
  9. Drama of Diversity Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Investigation of diversity in American society as manifested in dramatic works and theatrical presentations. P/NP or Letter grading.
  10. History of American Musical Theater Lecture, three hours. Survey of history of American musical: its composers, writers, and performers from musical’s emergence in immigrant cultures to Broadway and Off-Broadway. With its roots in British music halls and comic opera, Viennese operetta and African American jazz, American musical theater emerged as vivid and popular art form with its own culture and identity. P/NP or letter grading.
  11. Acting and Performance in Film Lecture, six hours. Exploration of acting and performance in film. Through screenings of performance driven films, class discussion, and acting exercises, examination of methods, styles, and performances of some of world’s most highly regarded actors and their work. P/NP or letter grading.
  12.  Acting and Performance in Film Lecture, six hours. Exploration of acting and performance in film. Through screenings of performance driven films, class discussion, and acting exercises, examination of methods, styles, and performances of some of world’s most highly regarded actors and their work. P/NP or letter grading.


  1. Special Problems in Performance Techniques Studio, four hours. Study of complex problems in voice, movement, and acting. May be repeated twice for credit. P/NP or letter grading.
  2. Theater Production and Performance Laboratory, three to six hours. Laboratory experience in various aspects of theater production, including performance in project or production, stage management, member of crew, or assignment as designer or assistant on production. May be repeated for maximum of 8 units. Letter grading.
  3. Community or Corporate Internships in Theater, Film, and Television Tutorial, eight, 16, or 24 hours. Limited to juniors/seniors. Internship at various theaters, studios, or entertainment organizations accentuating creative contributions, organization, and work of professionals in their various specialties. Students meet on regular basis with instructor and provide periodic reports of their experience. May be taken for maximum of 8 units. Individual contract with supervising faculty member required. Letter grading.
  4. Professional Internship in Theater, Film, and Television Tutorial, to be arranged. Full- or part-time at studio or on professional project. Designed for advanced


Music Department

WMAS – Bachelors Degree in Performing Art in Music

The 7 Core Music Curriculum is comprised of courses in arranging, conducting, ear training, harmony, tonal harmony and counterpoint, and music technology.

These subjects are the foundation of educational offerings in music, and the entering student proficiency assessment and Introduction to Music Technology exam are designed to assess every entering student’s knowledge base in each of these core curriculum fields. The results of the proficiency assessment and Introduction to Music Technology exam allow students the appropriate first-semester arranging, ear training, harmony, and music technology courses. After successful completion of courses in these initial areas, students move on to additional studies in conducting and tonal harmony and counterpoint.

  1. Arranging & 2. Conducting – Each of the courses in the arranging curriculum for entering students explores different arranging concepts and techniques, guides students in refining and enhancing arranging abilities, and provides opportunities for creating musical arrangements in various styles of contemporary popular music.
  2. Ear Training – The goal of the ear training core curriculum is to help music students master the basic components of musical craft; to assist music readers in hearing the music they are seeing; to aid writers in notating music they have composed or arranged; to help performers develop their musical vocabulary; and to assist listeners in understanding the music they are hearing.
  3. Harmony – Through the completion of the harmony core curriculum, students acquire musical literacy, analytical skills, and the ability to incorporate the topics they have studied into their own music. A thorough understanding of common harmonic practice, melodic development, and the relationship between melody and harmony in contemporary styles is important. An understanding of harmony provides musicians with a rich palette for future creative choices in performing and composing.
  4. Harmony and Counterpoint – Through the successful completion of the tonal harmony and counterpoint core courses, students will be able to analyze and compose music based on harmonic and formal models from the common practice period (baroque, classical, and romantic eras of European classical music), and understand and be able to articulate how the common practice period techniques form the basis for harmony and melody in the bulk of contemporary popular music. The tonal harmony and counterpoint series provides additional context for students exploring the history of music in the European tradition.
  5. Music Technology – A demonstrated competency in music technology is integral to each student’s education. Technology plays a significant role in almost every aspect of a successful music-related career. Additionally, it is a powerful teaching and learning tool utilized in many of the courses offered at the college. Covering a broad spectrum of basic and music-related computer skills, the music technology core curriculum provides students with a strong technology foundation on which to build the necessary skills required by each major and field of interest.
  6. Performance – All Music Majors students will achieve proficiency on their principal instrument through the performance core. The performance core comprises a mix of private lessons, instrumental labs, and ensembles. Private lessons provide in-depth, individualized study of an instrument while labs give students an opportunity to workshop specialized instrumental or stylistic topics. Ensembles teach students how to play music with others, working together toward a performance.


College of Business 

Your expansion to a larger awareness begins with the faculty member who’s assigned to teach you and will know you by name.

And we take pride in ensuring that your learning experience (whether in the classroom or online) will be led by qualified, engaging and professional faculty member. We want you to learn from a professional who will give you the information and help that will grow your business and financial accumen so your confidence is high enough to declare your major sooner than later and register it with registrar’s office by the time you’ve earned 54 semester hours.

If you choose to take on the responsibility for a successful business career and what it entails to fit well within the local structure you may also venture further to the global level which we will make available to you as you reach the maturity to handle what it entails.

In fact, while you earn you bachelor’s in business, you may get the itch for international travel. From Paris to Prague, Sao Paulo to Shanghai, you have hundreds of locations and international programs to choose from. And so much to gain. We’ll provide you with a global structure so you will have the chance to experience more cultures and more economy.


Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

WMAS – Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration  – Core Curriculum & Recommended Program of Study as follows:

  • Freshman Year Semester I
  1. Preceptorial of Marketing & Management
  2. Principles of Microeconomics
  3. College Algebra
  4. CC or electives
  • Semester II
  1. Principles of Microeconomics
  2. Information Systems
  3. Survey of Calculus
  4. Calculus I
  5. CC or electives
  • Sophomore Year Semester I
  1. Principles of Financial Accounting
  2. Statistics for Business and Economics
  3. CC or electives
  • Semester II
  1. Principles of Managerial Accounting
  2. Financial Management
  3. Fundamentals of Marketing
  4. CC or electives
  • Junior Year Semester I
  1. Prescriptive Business Analytics
  2. Organizational Behavior
  3. CC or electives
  • Semester II
  1. Operations Management
  2. Business and Society Major
  3. elective CC or electives
  • Senior Year Semester I
  1. Business Law Major
  2. elective CC or electives
  • Semester II
  1. Strategic Management
  2. CC and Major electives

WMAS – Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting

  • Freshman Year – Semester I
  1. Intermediate Accounting I
  2. Cost Accounting
  3. Prescriptive Business Analytics
  4. Organizational Behavior
  5. CC or electives
  • Semester II
  • Intermediate Accounting II
  1. Accounting
  2. Information Systems
  3. Ethics for Accountants
  4. Operations Management Business and Society
  5. CC or electives
  • Senior Semester I
  1. Federal Tax Accounting I
  2. Advanced Accounting
  3. Business Law I
  4. CC or electives
  • Semester II
  1. Federal Tax Accounting II
  2. Auditing
  3. Strategic Management
  • ****************************
  • WMAS-  Bachelor’s Degree in Finance
  1. Principles of Financial Accounting
  2. Principles of Managerial Accounting
  3. Principles of Microeconomics
  4. Statistics for Business and Economics
  5. Applied Regression Analysis
  6. Information Systems
  • *********************************
  • WMAS – Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
  1. Principles of Financial Accounting
  2. Principles of Microeconomics
  3. Principles of Economics
  4. Statistics for Business and Economics
  5. Applied Regression
  6. Analysis Information Systems
  7. Survey of Calculus (or Calculus I)
  8. Calculus I
  9. Prerequisite: Mathematics
  • ****************************
  • WMAS – Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management
  • Major (18 units)
  1. Principles of Financial Accounting
  2. Principles of Microeconomics
  3. Organizational Behavior
  4. Organizational Theory and Global Leadership
  5. Electives
  6. Negotiation in a Global Business Environment
  7. New Venture Finance
  8. Family Business
  9. Small Business Management
  10. Business Leadership
  11. Global Social Entrepreneurship
  12. Digital Marketing and Social Media
  13. Women Business
  • *************************
  • WMAS – Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing
  • Marketing Major (42 units) – Students majoring in marketing must satisfy the USD core curriculum requirements as set forth in this catalog, Lower-Division Requirements for the major, the Professional Development Passport Program and all of the following major requirements:
  1. Business Component (24 units)
  2. Prescriptive Business Analytics
  3. Operations Management
  4. Business and Society
  5. Business Ethics
  6. Financial Management
  7. Organizational Behavior
  8. Strategic Management
  9. Fundamentals of Marketing
  10. Marketing Component (9 units)
  11. Marketing Research
  12. Consumer Behavior
  13. Marketing Strategy
  • Elective courses (9 units)
  • Select three of the following elective courses:
  1. Services Marketing
  2. Sports Marketing
  3. Global Marketing
  4. Professional Selling
  5. International Business to Business Marketing
  6. Digital Marketing and Social Media
  7. Advertising and Promotion
  8. Advertising Campaigns


The Certification Program offers the following programs to those who are preapproved:

  • Department of Real Estate 
  1. Licensing Principles of Financial Accounting
  2. Principles of Managerial Accounting
  3. Principles of Microeconomics
  4. Principles of Macroeconomics
  5. Statistics for Business and Economics
  6. Applied Regression Analysis
  7. Information Systems
  8. Survey of Calculus Calculus I

Real Estate Program (39 units)

  • Business Component (24 units)
  1. Prescriptive Business Analysis
  2. Operations Management
  3. Business and Society
  4. Business Ethics
  5. Business Law I
  6. Financial Management
  7. Organizational Behavior
  8. Strategic Management
  9. Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Real Estate Component (9 units)
  1. Principles of Real Estate
  2. Legal Aspects of Real Estate
  3. Financing Residential Real Estate
  4. Commercial RE Fin & Investment
  5. Elective Courses (6 units)
  • Select two of the following electives:
  1. Real Estate Market Analysis
  2. Financing Residential Real Estate
  3. Commercial RE Fin & Investment Commercial Real Estate Valuation
  4. Real Estate Development
  5. Special Topics Internship
  • Any pre-approved elective. See pre-approved upper division elective list below


  • Department of Entrepreneurship & Franchises
  1. Principles of Financial Accounting
  2. Business and Society
  3. Business Ethics
  4. Business Law I
  5. Financial Management
  6. Organizational Behavior
  7. Strategic Management
  8. Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Real Estate Component (9 units)
  1. Principles of Real Estate
  2. Legal Aspects of Real Estate Financing
  3. Residential Real Estate
  4. Commercial RE Fin & Investment


  1. Any pre-approved elective. See pre-approved upper division elective list below 3
  2. It is strongly recommended that student takes Principles of Real Estate before other upper division required or elective real estate courses.
  3. Pre-approved upper-division

Up to three preapproved electives in each section may be taken.

  1. Real Estate Market Analysis
  2. Financing Residential Real Estate
  3. Commercial RE Fin & Investment
  4. Commercial Real Estate Valuation
  5. Real Estate Development
  6. Special Topics
  1. Money and Banking New Venture Finance
  2. Principles of Microeconomics
  3. Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Innovation and
  4. Design Thinking
  1. Negotiation in a Global Business Environment
  2. New Venture Finance Family Business
  3. Small Business Management
  4. Business Leadership
  5. Global Social Entrepreneurs

Register for classes

Request an admissions application by contacting 

To register or apply a copy of your Drivers License or national ID is required.

A reference letter from a person who will confirm who you are is also required for applying for admission.  Those who want to apply for admission can send copies of transcripts from high school, college/university, and SAT scores and/or GED/HSED, if applicable.

Meet your Advisor. Call to schedule your appointment and meet with an advisor to review your program of study and the courses you’ll need to complete.

Please note: Letters of recommendation ARE REQUIRED for general university admissions consideration.

It’s never too early to begin the process for admission to Carieliin.

CU Housing 

Students enrolled in one of our Certification or Degree programs have an option (first come, first served) for housing at CU. You must first be accepted before applying for CU Housing – San Diego, double occupancy only.  Living on campus at Carieliin University will be an amazing experience for students  You’ll want to apply early and get on the list for housing assignment, whether it’s on and off campus.

“Freedom Gardens”

We also welcome all student’s to participate in our on campus “freedom garden for growth”  and “campus gardening projects”. There are benefits from learning agricultural practices for a sustainable future and appreciation for agriculture especially if you’re interested in the agriculture certification program.This “Freedom Garden” university project provides experiences of cooperation with others and the sense of pride and satisfaction in contributing their time and energy in this project for a model of sustainable, affordable, accountable, uplifting and positive communities that will inspire them and others to participate in growing the food they may enjoy eating later in the on campus dining hall.

Housing Accommodations and Tuition Rates for One Semester

Room occupancy Double Single

Tuition (estimate)





Estimated Total  








Cost for Tuition Varies = Classes, Books, Supplies & Campus Fees, & 4 Classes, approximately $1500 – $3000 – per semester.

If you have questions email:



Carieliin has affiliations and joint degree programs with the following schools: Harvard University, Pepperdine University, UCLA and CAL State University. Carieliin has accreditation with the following:

  1. The Degrees offered in Higher Consciousness are accredited by Higher Learning Commission (HLC), Council for Higheur Education Accreditation (CHEA), Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, NWCCU, and Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC).
  2. The Business degrees offered are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
  3. The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) & NCARB certification.
  4. National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST)