Metropolis Square, Athens
Some historic churches I recommend while touring in Athens, are those that commemorate the divine feminine and divine Mother Mary, i.e. churches of the Assumption and/or churches of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary.
“Annunciation” churches commemorate Gabriel’s announcement of Mary’s divine pregnancy while other churches commemorate Mary’s divine assumption, immortallity and resting in dormition, peace.
Usually these churches reveal the soul and divine feminine by displaying a divine Madonna and Child and/or divine Mother at or near the entryway, and at the very least, a version of the icon, prehaps as a fresco, would be somewhere in the church. Your soul will feel comfortable if you see a statue or icon of the Divine Mother and/or Madonna and Child. Otherwise you’ll want to get out of there quickly.
Some famous icons are often located in the Prothesis over the altar, such as, in the Holy Metropolitan Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary in Metropolis Square where you can see an impressive fresco of the divine Mother. Refer to frescos on right where the Divine Mother is honored in the center.
On your visits to these churches take time to restore your soul’s connection and have your own mystical experiences.
You can lite a candle for a loved one and/or in reverence to the divine Mother who many revere. Byzantine churches traditionally honor the divine Mother.
Not far from Mitropolis Square, there’s a beautiful Byzantine church called the Church of Agiou
In August, especially on August 15, all over Greece there are festivals to commemorate the Divine Mother, or Panagia. The 15th is a public holiday in Greece and around the world. Christian Orthodoxy marks it as one of their most important days of the year. It’s a time during which they examine their beliefs and understandings of the Divine Mother’s story, such as her death or immortality, ressurrection and Assumption. Learn about the Feastival of Assumption.
Many Christians believe the Divine Mother Mary resurrected after her transfiguration on the 3rd day and that she’s divine and immortal.
And in 1950, the pope declared the Assumption of Mary to be “divinely revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory” (No. 44).