Cariel Quinly, President

Cariel Quinly, President, has focused on the Soul’s needs driving humanity and it’s economic growth, building stronger family structures and healthy communities, with the creation of good jobs for contributing members, and healthy model of inclusive, sustainable and fairer economic development.

Her economic and spiritual transformation emphasizes catalyzing the local people, drawing their financial, spiritual and political support.
According to Cariel Quinly:
“I have a happy and healthy life here on my sacred and divine planet Earth, where I was born. I’m financially independent and  emotionally and spiritually supported by my Divine human family members and friends, and all the Human races, including my local governments. All of them wish me well and treat me with love, respect, kindness and good intentions and they can do no harm to me in any way, shape or form or formatting.
Humans can apply to become a contributing member of this planetary system and the CU education system will provide them with the necessary education to become contributing members of this planetary system. The CTS system also offers economic and material resources to help in this process of becoming a healthy society of contributing members. These two systems CU and CTS, and affiliated local government systems and corporations with the President’s guidance, operate globally, automatically, easily and effectively as a planetary system to provide good jobs, good accommodations, good food and water and good conveniences so contributing member’s lives are comfortable and they will maintain the status of a contributing member of this planetary system.
It’s the member’s responsibility to do the best they can to access these resources once available and maintain contributing member of this planetary system status or they’ll become “probationary contributing member of this planetary system” and they have a choice to make.
Decide to stay or leave this planetary system which is the only human planetary system in existence. There are other existences, but they aren’t human and soul-driven.

If you are in doubt as to your core beingness, whether or not you have a soul, it’s not too late to affirm your soul and reconnect to the Divine within.

If you are human and know you have a soul, you have made it through a threshold that is precious and amazing. Don’t lose sight of it. And the future of Divine Human Family which is being birth as the soul’s the Divine spark will be lite once an appreciation, reverence and loyalty towards the Divine occurs ushering in a magnificent reality.
Many soulful humans have come to be here at this time for the birth of the Divine reality that is unfolding and the new Golden Age, a Divine Age for humanity and the Divine human races.
CU is a gateway to the Divine realm for those who are ready or are becoming ready for the Divine.
And if you have the “eyes to see”, a gateway to a Divine magnificent reality will be provided.
This planetary system is healing it’s past. CU will begin offering online classes in 2024 to help those who are contributing members of this planet and will appreciate the divine opportunities as they become available.
And Watch For and See Divine appearances, as Divine love and healing occurs around the planet, reveal, reveal, reveal.
Be aware and appreciate her capacity to heal and create miracles, Be AWARE, Be AWARE, Be AWARE.
Watch as a positive magnificent reality appears, be aware of increased higher consciousnesses of love, light and support of the positive magnificent reality. Such a reality is becoming increasingly observable by those who have made the vibrational shift.  Earth’s energies, SHIFT, SHIFT, SHIFT.
Feel Earth’s vibrational SHIFTing, adjusting and clearing the old, to be replaced with more positive, loving and healthy vibration.
Positive energies are helping bring in the new Golden Age for Humanity.  Awareness of these positive energies is being revealed and a healthy magnificent reality will increase daily.
The HMHS, Her Most High Sovereignty, a.k.a. the Divine Human Mother will effectively lead Earth’s Divine Humans into an awareness of a Divine magnificent reality. Reveal, reveal, reveal this magnificent reality.