Huge Planet X is My Healing Planetoid Guided by my Winged Space Craft Pegasus to Merge with Earth
Originally, Nibiru, which was referred by the Sumerians as Planet X, which was supposedly the 12th planet in our solar system.
In the “hydrophilic of Sumerians, and Egyptian”, Nibiru had an elliptical orbit rather than a normal horizontal orbit. It orbits between our solar system and one of our nearest neighbors, multi-star system, Sirius.
Archaeologist Zecharia Sitchin and Burak Eldem also suggested this planet, which looks a lot like CR 105, with the similar orbit.
Along time ago, around 510,000,000 years ago, according to historians, Tiamat, a planet which had lain between Mars and Jupiter was a victim of Planet X, as Tiamat collided with one of the moons of Nibiru; it crashed, broke into half, as one half became the asteroid belt, and the other Phobos: Mars moon, while the other half is our home, planet Earth. “Out of destruction comes life”, a quote from Hindu ancient text ‘Bhagvat Gita’.
According to legend, the Anunnaki came to Earth from Nibiru around 25,000 years ago, and gave a lot of knowledge and detail to the developing humanoids; whom at that time didn’t have the brain capacity or thinking power to comprehend what the Anunnaki were saying. However, the humanoids have developed greatly since that time.
Even the Mayan predicted the existence of Nibiru. According to them, a huge energy like a planet would be coming near the earth in the distant future. Every time this planet came around, the planet earth was transformed.
I say, the new transformation is underway. And in fact, there are two separate bodies that traveled together from Sirius. Nibiru is my winged space craft, I named “Pegasus” and it comes when I call it and guides my huge healing planetoid to me.
And I have been communicating with both of them. I signaled my winged Pegasus in 2016. It’s a space craft that carries “my divine entourage” from the divine realm who support me when we’re preparing for a golden age transformation. Both my space craft and planetoid have been here for me multiple golden ages.
Published October 2016- This video gives evidence of a “sun simulator” in a synchronized orbit with two celestial bodies. Watch the video!!!
I say that in this video the sun simulator protectively escorts the two to me here on planet Earth.
As you watch the video you can see the two are on either side of the sun simulator
They responded to my call for their assistance and have come from Sirius.
I am the Golden Ages Avatar who’s presence on this planet has saved it from destruction.
My divine realm entourage in my space craft, Pegasus, in the picture, guided a huge healing planetoid to merged with the Earth as a protective bubble and for a positive and safe transformation.
And I am here to help humans reach a level of higher consciousness, effectively and safely.
Each human has a choice to do the spiritual work to gain the spiritual eyes to see me as their spiritual leader and consciously choose to loyally support me and support my most high divinity and most high sovereignty. Once I am satisfied by their spiritual development, I will ignite their divinity. And together we will have birthed the 4 divine human races: red, black, white & yellow.
Pegasus & My Healing Planetoid Arrive and my planetoid merges with Earth.