Carieliin University

CU focuses on the Soul’s needs driving humanity and it’s economic growth, building stronger family structures and healthy communities, with the creation of good jobs for contributing members, and healthy model of inclusive, sustainable and fairer economic development.

CU’s economic and spiritual transformation emphasizes catalyzing the local people, drawing their financial, spiritual and political support.

According to CU President, Cariel Quinly:

“We all asked to come to Earth during these magnificent times.  And it has been an honor to be here, reconciling and clearing the old, preparing, and joining with others for a new, magnificent, self-determined, enlightened and fulfilling life ahead. The SOUL AWAKENING that is occurring on the planet surpasses anything imaginable.

In accordance with the Universal Principles and for the highest good of All and as the “I AM presence”,  with the ordained titles of the Most High Divinity, the Most High Sovereignty, the Cosmic and Divine Mother, Golden Ages Avatar, Golden Ages Bodhisattva, Planetary Systems President, and Galactic Federation President for the Human Races and the Divine Feminine source, the Divine Mother Cariel Quinly, has come to Earth to raising consciousness on this planet for all the human races, their survival and thrival and to help people to understand, appreciate and support the healthy divine feminine & masculine principles within each soul and support healthy parenting which begins with a healthy birth system and baby’s 1st experience of cooperating with the mother in going through the birth cannel which sets the stage for a well physical body as opposed to a “jumping bean” lacking physicality.  

Many people are coming alive and personal and societal issues, are resolving  as the Earth’s consciousness and frequency rises and love, light, vitality, right timing, right behavior and healthy relationships increase.

CU is a gateway to the Divine realm for those who are ready to devote to the Divine. Once you have devoted yourself to divine spirituality, the Divine Mother, can ignitea divine spark in you.Your devotion is free to give. But your divine passageway must be earn.  The Divine Mother can help by igniting your divine spark but you’re responsible for keeping it lite.  Your work has just begun.  For example, go on a vision quest, become inspired, fan the flame of the divine.

If you are in doubt as to your core beingness, whether or not you have a soul, it’s not too late to affirm your soul and reconnect to the divine within and the Divine Mother.

If you are human and know you have a soul, you have made it through a threshold that is precious and amazing. Don’t lose sight of it. 

And if you have the “eyes to see”, a gateway to a divine magnificent reality will be provided.

This planetary system is healing it’s past. CU helps those who are contributing members of this planet and who appreciate the divine opportunities offered to them.


Watch For and See Divine experiences and appearances presented to you, as the divine increases and love and healing occurs around the planet, reveal, reveal, reveal.

Be aware and appreciate Divine Cariel’s appearances and her divine capacity to heal and create miracles, Be AWARE, Be AWARE, Be AWARE.

Watch as a positive magnificent reality appears, be aware of increased higher consciousnesses of love, light and support of the positive magnificent reality. Such a reality is becoming increasingly observable by those who have made the vibrational shift.  Earth’s energies, SHIFT, SHIFT, SHIFT.

Feel Earth’s vibrational SHIFTing, adjusting and clearing the old, to be replaced with more positive, loving and healthy vibration.

Reveal, reveal, reveal.

Watch and feel Earth’s the vibrational SHIFT, SHIFT, SHIFT to the higher frequencies of awareness, love and light. Experience, Experience, Experience, the higher frequencies of awareness, love and light and the Divine.

Sending Healing, Wisdom, and Understanding

Cariel Quinly, HMHS, Her Most High Sovereignty