College of Wisdom Ministries, Humanities, Arts & Sciences

College of Wisdom Ministries, Humanities, Arts & Sciences

Carieliin students prepare for life’s spiritual passages. They receive character building, personal transformation and  higher consciousness skills. The College of Wisdom Ministries, Humanities, Arts & Sciences or WMHAS offers the following Liberal Arts Degrees or Liberal Arts & Science Degrees:

Liberal Arts Degrees in Theater & Music Performing Arts, Communications, English-Literature, Philosophy, Wisdom Ministries, Counseling & Psychology and Liberal Arts Major with Science Degrees in Mathematics, Chemistry or Biology 

The student will receive academic substance and rigorous training.

Wisdom Ministries

Within the Wisdom Ministries the skills learned will include counseling, coaching, teaching, spiritual healing, leading, and writing. It is a non-sectarian, pan-denominational, global, higher consciousness, and affirming all the pathways to Divine Sovereignty.

Wisdom Ministries emphasizes academic rigor and intellectual inquiry based on the human’s spiritual development within the next 4 years.  An increased higher consciousness will depend on your flexibility and a deeper understanding of who you are.

At Carieliin the divine human condition is happening within a biological code of age-less wisdom and a healthy morality, mysticism, ethics, logic, psychology and philosophy.

Liberal Arts Degree and/or Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree

Through a liberal arts and/or liberal arts and sciences education students will learn a variety of skills in interacting locally and/or globally.

Through a liberal arts emphasis they’ll be prepared to explore, excel & extend healthy consciousness.

Some will earn graduate degrees that will enhance their lives, spiritually, career-wise and higher-self-wise so they are wise, healthy and happy.

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